Sorry for being MIA for sooo long...but a Loooong India Trip certainly kept me on my toes! After a refreshing and relaxing holiday in the homeland am back on German grounds and back to blogging!
The latest on my " painting" front is this lovely mural i made as a gift to my In-Laws. Have a look .

"Ramachandra Rajyabhishekh"
Acrylics on Canvas
As of now am back to reading (my first love)...Books on the book shelf right now include a couple of P.G Wodehouses and The Pregnant King by Devdutt Patnaik. I would recommend The Pregnant King to all you book lovers out there. Well , my Deutsch books seem to be calling me for another round of wrestling with the words. Till then ...
P.S: The picture in this blogpost is mine . Please donot copy without permission. I am willing to share.